Monday, September 8, 2014

ED Habits To Break - Unhealthy Mindset Towards Exercise

Of course everyone knows exercise is important for a healthy lifestyle. But it's very likely when you have an Eating Disorder, you have an unhealthy mindset towards exercising.

Even if you think that you're exercising to keep fit, highly likely you're lying to yourself. "How would you know? You can't read my mind". Well do this experiment and you'll see I'm right :

Don't exercise for a few weeks. How do you feel? Do you feel fat? Do you feel guilt? Do you feel uneasy? Well that is enough to prove that you actually use exercise as a "guilt buster" to eating and not for keeping fit. If you're unwilling to give up exercise for recovery, it shows that your exercise has been sabotaging your recovery, and you need to stop it. 

During recovery you'll NEED to give up exercise. Until you're fit enough that is at a acceptable weight to exercise. If you're this thin, and you exercise and your body runs out of glucose and fats to burn, you're gonna start eating up your muscles. And yes your heart is a muscle. For all you know you can just drop dead. 

It's not that serious. I'm sorry but it actually really is. You NEED to ban yourself from exercise for the time being. Use exercise as your motivation to recover quickly. 

When you ban yourself from exercising for a period of time, you'll develop a healthy mindset towards exercise after that. You'll realize exercise is for keeping fit, not jut a calorie burner. Exercise is a choice and enjoyable, not a torturous compulsory routine. 

To choose recovery means setting aside everything else and putting your health first, so temporarily set aside your exercise and get well first! 

Be true to yourself. Are you addicted to exercise? If you are, no you're not keeping fit and you need to break this addiction. 

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